Rules for the Conduct of Examinations
1. Preamble
The successful conduct of Presidency University examinations depends greatly on the integrity, alertness and sincerity of all examination officials. These guidelines aim to set out uniform codes of conduct for each official engaged in connection with examinations held at various Departments of Presidency University. It is, therefore, necessary that each one of these persons should follow the rules and guidelines strictly.
2.Examination Centre:
Each Department of the University shall normally be selected a Centre/Venue for examinations for students of that department. However, under extraordinary situations, the Controller of Examinations may, with approval of competent authority, decide to change the centre/venue and in such an event the decision of the Controller of Examinations regarding selection of centres/venues shall be final.
2.Examination Officers and their duties
Any duty related to examinations is binding for Teachers/other Academic staff /Officers/Non-teaching staff.
- 2.1.Functions of the Custodian of Confidential papers :
The Head of the Department shall be the custodian of confidential papers relating to university examinations. The custodian shall keep the confidential papers in safe custody. The custodian shall hand over question papers on relevant subjects(s) on each day of the examination to the Centre-In-Charge half an hour before the commencement of the respective examinations. - 2.2.Functions of the Centre-In-Charge:
A senior teacher of the Department, recommended by the Head of the Department (preferably after discussing it in Departmental Academic Committee) shall be the Centre-In-Charge of the concerned centre in the specified examination. The Centre-In-Charge of an examination centre shall make all preparatory arrangements for holding examinations, including seating arrangements for candidates. He shall conduct the examinations under the supervision of the Head of the Department according to the instructions given by the Controller of Examinations of the University from time to time in this regard. S/he will have to take all necessary measures for the smooth conduct and fairness of examinations at a centre. In the absence of the Centre-In-Charge, the Head of the Department or authorized representative shall perform the functions of the Centre-In-Charge with an intimation to the Controller of Examinations. - 2.3.Programme of Examination: The Examination Programme, fixed by the Controller of Examinations, should be displayed in a conspicuous place at the examination centre before the commencement of the examination and it should remain there till the completion of the examinations.
- 2.4.Invigilator : The teachers/Academic staff members of the Department, recommended by the Head of the Department and Centre-In-Charge shall perform as invigilators in different halls/rooms of the concerned centre in the specified examination. The Duty Roster of the invigilators must be maintained by the Head of the Department and Centre-In-Charge. The same along with day-wise signatures of the invigilators must be sent to the Controller of Examinations.
Duties of the Invigilators:
- (a)The sanctity of the examination depends greatly on the conduct of an invigilator. Any laxity on the part of an invigilator is likely to result in undesirable consequences affecting the reputation of the University.
- (b)An invigilator is expected to be alert at every moment beginning from the entry of the candidates till such time that all answer scripts are collected from them.
- (c)An invigilator is under the control of the Centre-in-Charge during the period they are on duty and s/he should not leave the Examination Centre without the permission of the Centre-in-Charge.
- (d)An invigilator should report at the centre at least half-an-hour before the time fixed for commencement of the examination.
- (e)An invigilator may be required to act as witness when desired by the Centre-in-Charge for opening of the question paper packets and sealing of the packets of answer scripts.
- (f)It shall be the duty of the invigilators to guard against all kinds of malpractice or misconduct on the part of any candidate at the Hall/Centre. S/he will report such malpractice or misconduct to the Centre-in-Charge/Head of the Department and render such assistance to the Centre-in-Charge/Head of the Department, as required, in regard to the conduct of the examination.
- (g)S/he should report at the centre at least half-an-hour before the time fixed for commencement of the examination. S/he may be required to act as witness when desired by the Centre-in-Charge for opening of the Question Paper packets and sealing of the packets of an answer scripts.
Responsibilities of the Invigilators:
- (i)To distribute amongst the examinees Answer-books and Question papers.
- (ii)To make announcements asking the examinees to –
- (a)Produce the Admit Card and Registration Certificate
- (b)Leave books, notes, copying material, wireless communication set, Mobile phone and / or paper at specified place outside the Examination Hall.
- (c)Sign on the attendance-sheet for students.
- (d)Announce that students should write Roll No. on the question paper and nothing else.
- (e)Use only non-programmable calculator.
- (f)Write Subject, Paper, Roll Number and Registration Number, Semester & Year in the allotted spaces in the answer script.
- (iii)To take attendance of examinees and sign on the answer books at the appropriate place within one hour of starting of examination.
- (iv)To collect answer scripts from the examinees as soon as the examination is over and to hand over the same to the Centre-in-Charge in sequential order of roll after duly counting and tallying these with students’ attendance sheet.
- (v)To ensure that the examinees occupy their allotted seats in the room.
- (vi)To check the Admit card and Registration Certificate
- (vii)To prepare the absentee statement in respect of the room under his/her charge and submit the same within one hour of start of examination.
- (viii)To issue supplementary / continuation sheets to an examinee, only after verifying that the answer script has been fully utilized, after entering the number of sheets issued on the cover of the script with his/her initials, at the appropriate space provided for the purpose.
- (ix)To return surplus copies of loose sheets to the Centre-In-Charge immediately after the examination.
- (x)Not to allow any examinee who reports after 30 minutes of commencement of the examination to sit for the examination.
- (xi)No examinee shall in any case be allowed to leave the examination hall before expiry of an hour from the commencement of the examination.
- (xii)The invigilator shall sign each answer script at the assigned box as evidence of verification of candidature of the student. S/he shall also indicate (at the assigned space) the number of supplementary sheets used by the examinee in each case.
2.Cancellation of Appointment
On behalf of University the Controller of Examinations reserves the right to cancel or rescind any appointment relating to examination at any time in the interest of smooth conduct of examination and publication of results without showing any reason whatsoever.
3. Attendance & Signature Rolls The Registration number, Roll No., and signature of the all students appearing in the examination shall be recorded in the daily Attendance Roll, supplied by the Controller of Examinations. This statement duly countersigned by the invigilator and the Centre-In-Charge should be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations as soon as the examination is over. Sufficient care should be taken in preparing this statement.
6. Misconduct / Malpractice
6.1. Preamble
- (i)S/he is found to be in possession inside the examination hall of any book, or page of any book, or scribbling, or written note, or typed sheet, that may have a bearing on the subject in which s/he is appearing, irrespective of whether such book, or page of any book, or scribbling, or written note, or typed sheet is used or not, or
- (ii)S/he writes answer on another candidate’s answer script or helps him/her in any other manner in writing answer on his/her own answer-script or helps him/her in any other manner in writing answer or tries to obtain from, or to render to, any other candidate or any other person inside or outside the examination hall, any help in any manner, or
- (iii)S/he leaves the examination hall without submitting answer-script, or
- (iv)S/he leaves the examination hall before one hour, taking with him answer-script, or carries from the examination hall the question paper during the hours of examination without submitting the answer script or gets possession of question papers outside the examination hall during the hours of examination or is not found in possession of complete question paper after its distribution in the examination hall or passes or tries to pass the question paper out of the examination hall or leaves the examination hall taking with him/her answer paper or loose sheet, or
- (v)S/he allows somebody else to write answers on his/her behalf during examination, or
- (vi)S/he leaves the examination hall without recording his/her attendance on the attendance roll, or
- (vii)S/he encloses currency note(s) with an answer-script or offers illegal gratification or inducements to the Invigilator(s) or other persons connected with the examination or, in anyway, tries to take illegal or unfair advantages, or
- (viii)S/he distorts his/her name, roll number or registration number in his/her answer-script, or
- (ix)S/he is found to be in possession of any question paper or any other paper containing relevant answer or answers written on it, or
- (x)S/he indulges in any kind of misbehavior, or intimidates or attempts to assault, or intimidates an invigilator or any other person connected with the conduct of the examination either inside or outside the examination hall, or damages, or attempts to damage, articles or furniture, equipment, stationery or any other property or the venue or creates disturbances in the venue or refuses to comply with the instruction of the Invigilator regarding seating arrangements in the examination hall, or
- (xi)Any page(s) of the written answer-script(s) of a candidate is/are found to have been replaced/torn/mutilated or found to contain handwriting different from that of the candidate, or
- (xii)S/he attempts to violate any other provisions of these regulations, or
- (xiii)If s/he discloses his/her identity in any manner other than that provided in the answer-scripts.
A report against a student can be recorded by the invigilator and Centre-in-Charge and sent to the Controller of Examinations (with a copy to Head of the Department) stating malpractice (constituting misconduct) if –
6.2. Nature of Malpractice:
Category I:-
- A.Writing erratic / irrelevant matters
- B.Writing obscene language / sketches
- C.Disclosing identity in any manner other than that provided in the answer-scripts and / or requesting for specific marks.
- D.Leaving examination Hall without permission / not signing in the Attendance-sheet.
- E.Possessing Printing / Handwritten Notes/ text-book / sizeable handwritten / printed text/digitally displayed text
- F.Copying or helping in copying/ Group copying
Category II:-
- A.Attempting to bribe/writing letter hinting at illegal gratification.
- B.Mutilating the answer book issued.
Category III:-
- A.Misbehaving / Threatening Examination Official or Other Examinees / Smuggling out Question paper.
- B.Receiving outside help.
- C.Assaulting Examination Official
- D.Smuggling in / out answer script or attempting to do so
- E.Tampering answer book issued and replacement of pages
- F.Impersonation or helping others to impersonate.
6.3.Recommended Punishment :
- Category I – Cancellation of paper
- Category II – Cancellation of entire examinations of that semester
- Category III – Cancellation entire examinations of that semester with debarment from appearing in any examination for 1 or 2 years excluding the current examination OR Rustication from the University
7.Steps to be followed for a student who is detected while indulging in malpractice.
(a)The answer script, together with supporting material used in the act of malpractice, if any, is to be seized by the invigilator / Centre-in-Charge.
(b)The student should be asked to sign the same before the invigilator or Centre-in-Charge concerned. No verbal argument etc. shall be entered into.
(c)A fresh answer script is to be issued to the student after writing on the first inside page the time of isssuance of the said answer script by the invigilator. The student shall be allowed to continue with the examination.
(d)The first and second answer scripts, along with the unfair practice report duly signed by invigilator & Centre-in-Charge and the offending materials seized (if any) in the centre, be packed in a sealed envelope and conveyed to the Controller of Examinations separately.
8.Board of Discipline
There shall be a Board of the University concerned with discipline of students, called the Board of Discipline. All cases of breaches of discipline in connection with the Presidency University Examinations shall forthwith be reported with relevant documents and details to the Board of Discipline. The functions and responsibilities of the Board of Discipline shall be such as the Vice-Chancellor may, from time to time, determine. All decisions of the Board shall be taken at a meeting of the Board and the decision of the Board is final.
8.1.Composition of the Board of Discipline :
The Board of Discipline shall consist of the following members:
- (a)The Vice-Chancellor-Chairperson
- (b)Registrar, Ex-officio, Member
- (c)Four Heads of the Departments nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
- (d)The Controller of Examinations, Ex-officio, Member Secretary A nominated member of the Board of Discipline shall hold office for a term of two years: Provided that, if any such member ceases to hold office by virtue of which s/he was nominated, s/he shall cease to be such a member. Four members of the Board shall be a quorum.
8.2. Meeting of the Board of discipline:
Meetings of the Board of Discipline shall be convened by the Member Secretary of the Board on such dates and as such times and places as may be fixed by the Chairman and at least three days notice shall be given of a meeting of the Board. The Member Secretary of the Board shall keep a record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board.
8.3. Functions and responsibilities of the Board of Discipline:
The functions and responsibilities of the Board of Discipline shall be such as may be determined by the Vice-Chancellor.
All cases of breaches of discipline in connection with the University Examination shall forthwith be reported with relevant documents to the Member Secretary of the Board of Discipline & Controller of Examinations by the Centre-In-Charge at the examination centres.
On receipt of reports of cases of breaches of discipline, the Member Secretary of the Board shall inform the student concerned (through the concerned Head of the Department) regarding the charges against him/her and ask him/her to appear before the Board and furnish an explanation, verbally or in writing, with regard to the charge made against him/her. The student shall also be informed that in case s/he fails to appear before the Board and explain his/her conduct on the date fixed for the purpose, his/her case may be decided ex parte without further reference to him/her.
If the Board holds that the charges referred to in the above paragraph have been proved, it may recommend cancellation of the examination of the candidate concerned, or his/her debarment from appearing at a University Examination for such period as it may deem fit, or both.
All matters to be decided by the Board of Discipline shall be decided at a meeting of the Board.
All students against whom disciplinary measures have been recommended shall be intimated about the punishment imposed on them by the Member Secretary (through Head of the Department).
University Examination Pattern& Eligibility (Relevant Regulation)
19. To be eligible to appear at an examination, a student must have satisfied the condition of attending minimum of 75% of total lectures held per course per semester, and satisfactorily completed internal assignment for each course including Honours and Extra-departmental subjects for the Bachelor’s Degree course as specified.
20. (i) No student shall be permitted to sit for any Bachelor’s Degree Examination (including Honours and Extra-departmental subjects) or Master’s Degree Examination after the lapse of the period of attendance as specified below:
Bachelor’s Degree Examination (including Honours and Extra-departmental subjects) for any course/paper – Six years after admission to the first semester.
Master’s Degree Examination for any course/paper – Four years after admission to the first semester.
(ii) No student shall be permitted to sit for any course/paper for examination for the Bachelor’s Degree (including Honours and Extra-departmental subjects) or Master’s Degree more than four times.
21.(i)The Bachelor’s Degree Examination shall be held in six parts for Honours and four parts for Extra-departmental Elective subjects as prescribed below:
(a) 1st semester and 2nd semester for the 1st year students
i. First semester examination at the end of first semester
ii. Second semester examination at the end of second semester
(b) 3rd semester and 4th semester for the 2nd year students
iii. Third semester examination at the end of third semester
iv. Fourth semester examination at the end of fourth semester
(c) 5th semester and 6th semester for the 3rd year students
v. Fifth semester examination at the end of fifth semester
vi. Sixth semester examination at the end of sixth semester
(d) Examinations with reference to the extra-departmental subjects shall be completed between first to fourth semester examinations. Provided that the supplementary/repeat examination for any course/paper of extra-departmental subject can be taken up during fifth/sixth semester subject to paragraphs (f), (g), (h) of this regulation and Regulation 28.
(e) There would be automatic promotion at the end of Bachelor’s Degree First Semester/Second Semester/Third Semester/Fourth Semester/Fifth Semester irrespective of the marks/grade obtained in the previous semester examination subject to the eligibility conditions as laid down
in Regulation 19 for appearing at the examination being satisfied.
(f) Students failing in one or more courses/papers of first, second, third and fourth semester examinations will be entitled to clear them during the regular semester examinations of courses to be held in subsequent years, the maximum number of such chances a student can avail of being governed by Regulation 20. No student shall be permitted to appear at any course more than four times.
(g) A special supplementary final Bachelor’s degree (fifth and sixth semester) Examination will be held one month after the publication of the 6th semester Examination results. Only those students who have passed in all Courses of first, second, third, fourth semester but have failed in the courses of the fifth semester and/or sixth semester will be entitled to sit for the special supplementary examination. Such student shall not however have the benefit of rank or award.
(h) Students failing to clear one or more papers in the special supplementary Final Examination as provided in (g) will have the chance to clear them in the regular semester examinations and the special final supplementary examinations to be held in subsequent years – the maximum number of such chance being governed by the provisions of Regulation 21.
(ii) The Master’s Degree Examination shall be held in four parts as prescribed below:
(a) 1st semester and 2nd semester for the 1st year students
i. First semester examination at the end of first semester
ii. Second semester examination at the end of second semester
(b) 3rd semester and 4th semester for the 2nd year students
iii. Third semester examination at the end of third semester
iv. Fourth semester examination at the end of fourth semester
(c) There would be automatic promotion at the end of Master’s Degree First Semester/Second Semester/Third Semester irrespective of the marks/SGPA obtained in the previous semester examination subject to the eligibility conditions as laid down in Regulation 19 for appearing at the examination being satisfied.
(d) Students failing in one or more courses/papers of first and second semester examinations will be entitled to clear them during the regular semester examinations of courses to be held in subsequent years, the maximum number of such chances a student can avail of being governed by Regulation 20. No student shall be permitted to appear at any course more than four times.
(e) A special supplementary final Master’s degree (third and fourth semester) Examination will be held one month after the publication of the 4th semester Examination results. Only those students who have passed in all Courses of first and second semester but have failed in the courses of the third semester and/or fourth semester will be entitled to sit for the special supplementary examination. Such student shall not however have the benefit of rank or award.
(f) Students failing to clear one or more papers in the special supplementary Final Examination as provided in (f) will have the chance to clear them in the regular semester examinations and the special final supplementary examinations to be held in subsequent years – the maximum number of such chance being governed by the provisions of regulation 20.
Rule 21 (revised with effect from the 2016-2017 academic session by competent authority)
21 A.( i)The Bachelor’s Degree Examination shall be held in six parts for Honours and four parts for Extra-departmental Elective subjects as prescribed below :
(a) 1st semester and 2nd semester for the 1st year students
i. First semester examination at the end of first semester
ii. Second semester examination at the end of second semester
(b) 3rd semester and 4th semester for the 2nd year students
iii. Third semester examination at the end of third semester
iv. Fourth semester examination at the end of fourth semester
(c) 5th semester and 6th semester for the 3rd year students
v. Fifth semester examination at the end of fifth semester
vi. Sixth semester examination at the end of sixth semester
(d) Examinations with reference to the extra-departmental subjects shall be completed between first to fourth semester examinations. Provided that the
supplementary/repeat examination for any course/paper of extra-departmental subject can be taken up during fifth/sixth semester subject to paragraphs (f),
(g), (h) of this regulation and Regulation 28.
(e) (i) There will be no automatic promotion for candidates with backlogs in major in UG in both Odd and Even semesters in the single academic year. These
candidates will have to repeat a year in those unsuccessful courses only. However, the credits obtained in other papers, excluding the backlog papers, will
be carried forward.
(ii) A student with a backlog in a particular semester will have to mandatorily appear in the next similar (Odd/ Even) semester and get it cleared, failing which or abstaining from the said examination will result in a year loss. A maximum of three chances for appearing at the backlog examination will be given, excluding the regular chance.
(iii) The courses in UG will now be defined as taught course, lab based sessional papers and non-lab based sessional papers. The departments need to define their courses as per these three categories. Any student unsuccessful in lab based sessional papers only will suffer a year lag.
(iv) Candidates with backlog in major subject in any semester of UG/ PG will not be eligible for University medal or rank or endowment medals.
(v)Promotion is also subject to the eligibility conditions as laid down in Regulation 19 for appearing at the examination being satisfied.
(f) Students failing in one or more courses/papers of first, second, third and fourth semester examinations will be entitled to clear them during the
regular semester examinations of courses to be held in subsequent years, subject to the compliance with the above stated rule 21 (i).e, the maximum number
of such chances a student can avail of being governed by Regulation 20. No student shall be permitted to appear at any course more than four times.
(g) A special supplementary final Bachelor’s degree (fifth and sixth semester) Examination will be held one month after the publication of the 6th semester
Examination results. Only those students who have passed in all Courses of first, second, third, fourth semester but have failed in the courses of the
fifth semester and/or sixth semester will be entitled to sit for the special supplementary examination. Such student shall not however have the benefit of
rank or award.
(h) Students failing to clear one or more papers in the special supplementary Final Examination as provided in (g) will have the chance to clear them in
the regular semester examinations and the special final supplementary examinations to be held in subsequent years – the maximum number of such chance being
governed by the provisions of Regulation 21.
(ii) The Master’s Degree Examination shall be held in four parts as prescribed below:
(a) 1st semester and 2nd semester for the 1st year students
i. First semester examination at the end of first semester
ii. Second semester examination at the end of second semester
(b) 3rd semester and 4th semester for the 2nd year students
iii. Third semester examination at the end of third semester
iv. Fourth semester examination at the end of fourth semester
(c) (i) There will be no automatic promotion for candidates with backlogs in major in PG in both Odd and Even semesters in the single academic year. These
candidates will have to repeat a year in those unsuccessful courses only. However, the credits obtained in other papers, excluding the backlog papers, will
be carried forward.
(ii) A student with a backlog in a particular semester will have to mandatorily appear in the next similar (Odd/ Even) semester and get it cleared, failing which or abstaining from the said examination will result in a year loss. A maximum of three chances for appearing at the backlog examination will be given, excluding the regular chance.
(iii) The courses in UG/ PG will now be defined as taught course, lab based sessional papers and non-lab based sessional papers. The departments need to define their courses as per these three categories. Any student unsuccessful in lab based sessional papers only will suffer a year lag.
(iv) Candidates with backlog in major subject in any semester of PG will not be eligible for University medal or rank or endowment medals
(v) Promotion is also subject to the eligibility conditions as laid down in Regulation 19 for appearing at the examination being satisfied.
(d) Students failing in one or more courses/papers of first and second semester examinations will be entitled to clear them during the regular semester
examinations of courses to be held in subsequent years, subject to the compliance with the above stated rule 21 (ii).c, the maximum number of such chances
a student can avail of being governed by Regulation 20. No student shall be permitted to appear at any course more than four times.
(e) A special supplementary final Master’s degree (third and fourth semester) Examination will be held one month after the publication of the 4th semester
Examination results. Only those students who have passed in all Courses of first and second semester but have failed in the courses of the third semester
and/or fourth semester will be entitled to sit for the special supplementary examination. Such student shall not however have the benefit of rank or award.
(f) Students failing to clear one or more papers in the special supplementary Final Examination as provided in (f) will have the chance to clear them in
the regular semester examinations and the special final supplementary examinations to be held in subsequent years – the maximum number of such chance being
governed by the provisions of regulation 20.
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