Presidency University

Tender Notice No:Tender Notice No: DLS-Equipments/17-18/ Life Sciences / 004


Sealed quotations are invited from the Enlisted Vendors of the University to quote their lowest possible rate for the supply of the under-mentioned goods/articles, subject to the following terms and conditions. The quotations must be submitted to Dr. Shubhra Majumder /Dr. Kalyan Giri/Dr. Sutapa Saha of Department of Life Sciences of the University.

Last date & time for submission of quotation is 16/01/2018 up to 3.30 P.M.

Consignment in details:-

Sl No



Approximate Quantity


Portable Vertical laminar flow that can be upgraded to Biosafety Cabinet class-I

Required technical specifications:
Internal Size (W*D*H): 3x2x2 ft
Display: LCD display.
Air Flow Velocity: Average of 0.3~0.5 m/s

Pre-Filter: Polyster fibre, washable.
Hepa filter: Accurate 99.999% efficacy at 0.3 micron particle or better air purification

Blower: 1/4 HP; Noise: < 60 dB.
Material: Stainless steel, main body coating: Cold-Rolled MS coated with an anti bacteria powder coating; Work Table- MS coated,
Side and Front window: 5mm toughened glass, anti UV radiation.
Equipped with UV lamp: 30 Watt X 1, VIS LED Lamp: 8 Watt, Front pannel switch, Two 15/5 amps multiple socket with switches on the inside wall. Fitted with Cock for Gas Connection and Outlet for vacuum pump.

Micro Processor Control System, LCD/LED Display.
Air Speed Adjustable. UV timer Caster: Universal wheel with leveling feet
Power supply: 110 ~220 V +/- 10 %. Consumption: 400 Watt

Window: Motorized (Optional)
Warranty 1 Year


Note: a) The sealed cover should be duly superscribed with the enquiry no & date and name of the item quoted in block letter.

b) Party is requested to keep in touch with Dr. Shubhra Majumder /Dr. Kalyan Giri/Dr. Sutapa Saha of Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University before quoting the rate for better knowledge of specification, quality of material, etc.

c) Warranty must be mentioned in your offer for all the above items.

d) Please make sure to mention unit price and cumulative price for all items that should be inclusive of all taxes, duties and other charges as stated in point no.3 below.

e) Rate and amount of GST for each item is to be specified in the quotation.

Finance Officer

Terms & conditions of the Quotation:-

1. The bidder must be GST-Registered (photocopy of the GST Registration Certificate to be provided along with the quotation). Quotations of the unregistered dealers would be summarily rejected.

2. The quotations should be made by the vendors in their original letterheads clearly indicating the aforesaid goods/articles in details.

3. Price quoted should be inclusive of GST, installation, commissioning and delivery charges up to Presidency University.

4. Rate and amount of GST for each item is to be specified in the quotation.

5. Validity of the quotation will be at least 3(three) months from the closing date of the enquiry.

6. Sample must be attached with quotation in all possible cases.

7. Our enquiry notice no and date must be quoted on all correspondences and those should be duly signed and seal.

8. Bidders must as far as possible, arrange to supply the materials within the stipulated time mentioned in the purchase order. This delivery time must be strictly adhered to. Failure to supply within the specified time will lead to cancellation of the order without notice.

9. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason thereto.

10. In all cases of disputes, the decision of the University shall be final & binding on you.

By order

How to Find Us

Presidency University
(Main Campus)

86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073

Presidency University
(2nd Campus)

Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner